Rating: 1, temperature: 18 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.Wisconsin's trout season begins March 1st! What a winter! Average snowpack, and a very frozen ground. Streams are running...
Fishing Reports
Rating: 1, temperature: 0 ℉, condition: Rain.Wisconsin's seaosn is closed. It re-opens March 1st. A cold winter with some good snowpack so far (about 30 inches of snowfall this winter)...
Rating: 1, temperature: 15 ℉, condition: Rain.It's winter out there in Iowa. Wisconsin's season is closed until March 1st, and with the cold conditions, winter fishing in Iowa is very...
Rating: 2, temperature: 38 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.Wisconsin's season is closed, we are fishing and guiding in Iowa. It's cold weather fishing season in Iowa. The fishing is still...