Rating: 4, temperature: 56 ℉, condition: Heavy Rain.Fishing continues to be solid in Iowa, especially with the clouds we have now. Even with a slight dip in temperatures (the 70 degree...
Fishing Reports
Rating: 4, temperature: 57 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.Fishing has been quite good over in Iowa. The flat sections on French and Waterloo and other streams have fish rising to midges and...
Rating: 4, temperature: 55 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.Iowa has been fishing great! The weather has been gorgeous and fish have been very cooperative. A handful of dry flies...
Rating: 3, temperature: 55 ℉, condition: Flurries.Rain and wind have calmed down and fishing in Iowa is picking up. Baetis hatches and midge hatches in the late afternoon, and fish are...