Rating: 4, temperature: 75 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.Clear and high water area wide, and fish hungry after the high water of last week. Fish are crazy for ants and other terrestrials...
Fishing Reports
Rating: 4, temperature: 72 ℉, condition: Flurries.Clouds early today, then partly cloudy. The water has dropped and cleared area wide over the past day and a half giving us almost all...
Rating: 3, temperature: 60 ℉, condition: Dust.A light rain last night did not blow out the streams further, it just prolonged the clearing of some of our larger waters. Expect stained...
Rating: 4, temperature: 67 ℉, condition: Dust.No rain yesterday gave our streams a chance to begin clearing up after a couple of muddy water days. There is a chance of more showers today,...