Season opens this Saturday! Good winter conditions area wide.

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It's almost here!   Season opens up on Saturday (Jan 2nd) to some pretty good winter weather.  Saturday is forecasted to be a high of 27 and sunny.  Normal winter rules apply, fish from about 9 or 10 to about 2 or 3.  Using your thermometer, when the water temperature starts to drop it is a signal to wrap up the day as things will start shutting down quickly.   Midges are hatching on the sunny days with a few fish eating emergers on the surface, but most of the action will be subsurface on midge larvae and pupae and other tiny bead heads (18-22).  Leeches and streamers will also be effective, but fish them slowly!  Finally, scuds will be active on the warmer creeks and near the springs.

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Iowa report heading into Christmas

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It's still warm in the Driftless.  Relatively warm for December that is.   We're looking at temperatures in the mid 30s to low 40s all week, with lots of cloud cover and possible light precipitation all week as well.  Perfect fishing conditions!   Fish are eating midges and other teeny sub surface bugs and on the warmer days, will rise to midges in the mid day hours.  They are also taking scuds and leeches.  With leeches, make sure you fish them slowly as water temperatures are still low enough that fish do not move too much to chase flies.   Creeks are clear and flowing normal to a touch low after last week's heavy rain.  

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Post rain Iowa Update

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After quite a bit of rain over the past weekend, creeks are starting to settle down.  Look for fish to remain happy in this unseasonably warm weather!  Mid day hatches are not uncommon, and drifting midge larvae, scuds and leeches deep will produce fish during the sweet spot of the day. (10-3)  Cooler weather is on its way, but nothing too terrible for December!  Remember there is no need to get out early.  Late morning to early afternoon is the window of opportunity.

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The weather outside is incredible! Rain the next few days.

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Fishing remains solid for December!  Wisconsin is closed (re-opens Jan2), Iowa is open, and a handful of creeks in Minnesota are open too.  Check your regulations if you are unsure!   Fish are actively spawning right now, so please leave spawning fish alone.  They are easily stressed while producing the next generation of trout for the creeks.  Don't bug them!   Temperatures are unseasonably warm, and it is very comfortable to be outside!   Creeks are due for some rain the next few days.  It does not look like any gully washers, but a nice steady rain for 2-3 days.  This will help to fill the springs and creeks well as the ground is not frozen!   Midges are the food of choice for trout right now, with fish rising in the afternoons to midges and even a few very late olives.  Subsurface fishing has been best on simple midge larvae, scuds, and leeches drifted along the bottom and twitched occasionally.

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Great weather this weekend for Iowa!

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Sunny with the temperatures in the low to mid 40s all weekend!  This is an excellent chance to get out on the water this December! Despite the low water and sunny skies, fishing was solid yesterday on small, thin, dark bodied bead heads and there were fish rising to midges most of the day.  Streamers slowly twitched along the bottom of the creek were also effective.   If you are in need of supplies, there is a storewide sale this weekend!   Please give us a call if you are planning on stopping in as we do not keep regular hours in the off season.

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Iowa Outlook

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After some chilly weather and wintry mix, the weather turns far too nice for December this weekend!  Highs in the high 30s to low 40s and sun means fishing will be fun this weekend.  Active fish, possibility of midges and a few olives bringing fish to the surface and comfortable weather to be outside in.   Go small with your bead heads, and do not be afraid to twitch leeches slowly in the deeper pools and beneath undercut banks.   Also, For the month of December, receive a free 10% bonus to your order. No codes, no catches, just extra money to spend! If you buy a $100.00 certificate you get one for $110, $200 gets you $220.00 etc...Buy a full day trip and you get a certificate for $24.00 to give to whomever you like, or keep it for yourself! Buy Certificates Here

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Late November Iowa Report

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After a few cold days and nights along with some snow, temperatures next week will get back to around 40.  Look for some clouds and drizzle, excellent news after bluebird skies this weekend.   Fish are still eating tiny bead head nymphs, leeches, and scuds subsurface while the coming warmer air, water, and cloud cover should get a few olives hatching.

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Wisconsin Season Closed. Iowa report

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The uunseasonably warmer weather continues for a couple more days.  Add to that some nice soaking rains and you have a recipe for some good fall Driftless fishing!   Later on this week the temperatures start to plummet which means fishing will be limited to the mid day sun. Midges, scuds, leeches, and a few olives are still around.  As water gets colder, more of the action will go subsurface.   Brown and Brook trout are in full spawn now, so please leave spawning  fish alone.  There are plenty of trout to catch in the deeper pools.

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Wisconsin Season Closed, Iowa looking good

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Sunny and unseasonably warm the next few days with sunny skies and temps pushing 70 degrees.  It will be incredible to be outside the next dew days, but don't expect fantastic fishing.   The last few days of the week and into the weekend are forecasted for clouds.  Should be MUCH better fishing, but not nearly as comfortable as the temperatures drop quite a bit.   Fishing has been a ton of fun on leeches and streamers with a few olive hatches in the afternoons.

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Wisconsin Season Extended!

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Drizzly and windy the next few days (with a break on Friday), but not enough rain to mess up trout fishing.  Things have been good actually with the cloud cover and small bump in flows.   The big news is that we got word yesterday that the season and regulation changes in Wisconsin are wrapped up.  That means season starts the first Saturday in January and goes continually through October 15th (no more silly 5 days of closed season)!

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Wisconsin Season is Closed. Iowa Report.

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This week should still be good fishing.  The weather has been fantastic to be outside, a bit of cloudy and windy weather is coming mid week this week which should help with some of the spookier fish.     We're still seeing olives and midges in the afternoons, and fish are responding to midge larvae, scuds, and leeches subsurface. This is the time of year that trout begin to spawn, so please leave spawning fish alone!

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Wisconsin Season is Closed. Iowa report.

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A couple of warm days to start the week with temperatures in the high 60s, then cooling down with a chance of showers later in the week with temperatures in the low 60s.   Iowa fishing has been decent, but difficult with low, clear water and bluebird skies.  It is really nice to be outside enjoying the fall sun, but the fishing is not easy.  Trout are rising in the afternoon and into the evenings on midges and tiny olives.  Otherwise subsurface fishing has been good on scuds, leeches, midge larvae, and other tiny bead head flies.   Look for fish deep in pools early, and in the runs below the riffles in the afternoon.

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Wisconsin Season is Closed. Iowa report.

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A pretty heavy cold front is coming our way.  What this means for fishing in Iowa is that the terrestrial bite will be all but toast after a couple frosty nights.  It also means that you do not have to get up early to fish!  Wait until about 9 to get on the water (or later) as the drop in temperatures will cause the water to cool down significantly and only when it starts warming up will fish feed.  Fish midges and smaller scuds as well as leeches for your best success.   We're still waiting on hearing about the extended season in Wisconsin for 2016.   It sounds like it is stuck in the rules committee being polished at this point.  We will keep you posted!

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Wisconsin Season Closed, Iowa Report

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Cool and sunny all week this week.  The lack of cloud cover will make fishing difficult as trout in Iowa will be fairly spooky.  Olives are around pretty much daily, and it has not gotten cold enough to stop the terrestrial fishing from happening.   You will also catch fish on leeches, scuds, and midge larvae right now. Creeks are low and clear with temperatures in the low to mid 50s.

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Season Closed in Wisconsin. Iowa Fishing report.

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Great late season weather in Iowa.  There are spotty clouds which help fishing quite a bit.  The limiting factor is still the sun.   Fish are eating olives and midges on the surface, and the terrestrial bite will continue to be strong until we get a few frosts overnight.   Subsurface fishing is good on scuds, pheasant tails and leeches. Creeks are low and clear with temps in the 50s.

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Season is closed in WI. Iowa fishing report

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Wisconsin's trout season is closed.  Iowa is open all year. Sunny High 61   No need to get out too early with cooler nights the rest of the week.  Look for olives and midges to hatch when the sun is off the water. Terrestrials will start being active later in the day. Subsurface fishing has been best with midge larvae and pheasant tails as well as leeches and scuds.   Creeks are low and clear with temps in the mid 50s

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Sunny High 60 Wind NE 6-9   A very chilly night last night will have water temperatures in excellent shape for the last day of Wisconsin's season.  Fish were very happy yesterday and will be so again today.   Look for a few fish rising when the sun is off the water to olives and midges.  Terrestrials will be slow today with the chillier weather, but fishing them late afternoon will be good.   Subsurface fishing on small, dark bodied bead heads is excellent right now, as are leeches!   Remember, Wisconsin's trout season closes after today!  We will keep you updated on the conditions over in Iowa this fall. Thanks for a great season!

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September 29 Fishing Report

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Season ends September 30th! cloudy then clearing High 62 Wind N 9   Cool weather is here, unfortunately Wisconsin's season closes Wednesday night.   Look for olives when the clouds are in, then fish leeches and scuds subsurface when they stop rising.  As the sun peeks out later on in the day, switch to terrestrials on the surface. Waters are in great shape, clear and cool and a bit low.   

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September 28 fishing report

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Increasing clouds, slight chance of showers in pm high 77 wind SW 6-&   Season ends Wednesday night!  Get out and fish.   The weekend crowds are gone and fishing should be solid the last few days of season.  Look for rising fish early and late that will eat Olive emergers and other flush riding smaller dries.  Terrestrials are still good mid day.   Subsurface fishing is great on heavy, smaller nymphs and midge larvae.  With the cloud cover, fish scuds and leeches too!   Creeks are low and clear with temps in the mid 50s to mid 60s.

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September 26 Fishing Report

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Sunny  High 77 Wind E 6-8   Last weekend of season!  Please give other anglers space it will be crowded out there. Sunny again today, which means the fish will be a bit fussy.  Drift nymphs deep in pools slowly to find fish.   On the surface, hoppers, beetles and crickets have been solid as have sunken ants.  There are a few tricos still around in the mornings, and the last hour of day has given us a spotty blue winged olive hatch. Creeks are low and mostly clear with temps in the mid 50s to mid 60s. 

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September 25 Fishing Report

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Partly Sunny High 76 Wind E 5-8 Water clear to slightly stained 55-63   Another warm and spotty cloud cover day.  Fish the shade to find fish. This is the last weekend of season, please be courteous to other anglers and give them space.  The general rule of thumb is if there is a car at an access point and you can not check in with the angler(s) move to the next spot.  There is plenty of water to fish!   Tricos are still kicking around in the mornings, and olives are hatching late afternoon as long as clouds are in the sky.  Terrestrials are working as are smaller dries in brown and black.   Subsurface fishing has been good on smaller, thin bodied bugs and scuds.  Leeches and mice have been catching quite a few fish in the evenings too!

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September 24 Fishing Report

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Mostly Cloudy High 74 Wind SE 7   Clouds today!   Fishing is picking up for the last week of season!  Look for fish to rise early and late to a mix of small parachutes and even elk hair caddis.  Mid day, they will feed on hoppers, crickets and ants.   Subsurface fishing will be much better on scuds and leeches today with the cloud cover.  They will also eat the small, thin bodied patterns solidly.  Remember to have them heavily weighted as many fish are still glued to the bottom.

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September 23 Fishing Report

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Spotty Cloud Cover High 77 Wind SE 6-8   We actually have a few clouds today!  Yesterday olives came off when the sun was off the water.  Look for them to pop again if the clouds stay overhead.   Ants and crickets have been the ticket lately with the hoppers a close second during the terrestrial fishing mid day. Subsurface fishing has been best on midge larvae, pheasant tail type bead heads, and even leeches. Waters are clear and a bit low with really solid temperatures for late summer.

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September 22 fishing report

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Late report today!   high 73 scattered clouds   the clouds today will mean much better fishing!  We've been seeing tricos in the mornings and olives in the evenings.  Terrestrials mid day.   Subsurface action is on scuds and midge larvae. creeks are clear with temps in the high 50s to low 60s

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September 21 Fishing Report

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Sunny High 73 Wind S 7-14 Water temp Mid 50s to 60   The creeks are in excellent shape, cool and clear, but the sun is shining high in the sky and making trout unhappy!  Make sure you seek out shade and undercut banks to find fish.  Also, do not overlook the riffles as fish are in them feeding with the cooler water temperatures.   We are seeing tiny olives in the later afternoon, as well as midges hatching in the evening.  Mornings will have some olives as well as tricos, although the tricos are not falling as well as they were in warmer weather.   Throughout the day, terrestrials have been good on the surface with ants, beetles and crickets being munched on.  The hoppers are a bit slower recently, but still getting some nice fish to eat.   Subsurface fishing has been solid on pheasant tails and midge larvae, as well as leeches.  Scuds have been excellent when the sun is off the water.

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September 20 Fishing Report

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Sunny High 70 Wind S 5-8   Another cool night should have the fish very happy today.  The limiting factor has been the sun.  A bright sun and clear water have caused the fish to get a case of lockjaw.  Fishing slow and deep below the riffles and tossing terrestrials (crickets have been best) near banks as well as in the riffles has gotten the fussy fish to eat.   When the sun is off the water in the later afternoon/evening look for some rising fish to midges and olives.

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September 20 Fishing Report

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Sunny High 66 Wind NW 8-14    A nice cool weekend is on us.  Crisp this morning which means creeks have had a great cool down overnight.   Watch for olives hatching when the sun is off the water.  We have also seen a resurgence of flying ants.  Don't forget ant patterns! With a slight breeze, terrestrials will be excellent this weekend too as they are blown around a bit.  Just have to wait a bit for the ground to warm up before they really get going.   Subsurface fishing is still best on tiny, thin bodied and dark nymphs and larvae, while scud action is picking up with the cooler water.  Again, when it is dark, streamers leeches and mice have been getting some very nice sized fish!

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September 18 fishing report

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partly sunny high 70 wind  N 6-8   the gears have shifted from hot weather to late summer again!  The rain yesterday was brief and scattered.  Not enough to muddy anything up to an unfishabke level.  Expect clear to stained water this weekend.  The cooler temperatures plus some cloud cover should revitalize the olive hatch too!  Look for them this evening as a chance of drizzle rolls in around 4,   subsurface fishing is still solid on small, dark, and thin bodied patterns.  It will also be good with scuds and leeches when clouds are overhead.  Mousing at night has also been fun lately with some big fish eating mice!

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September 17 Fishing Report

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Mostly Sunny, Chance of Storms in PM High 78 Wind S 7-13 Creeks low and clear with temperatures in the mid 50s to mid 60s.   Some much needed rain will roll in this afternoon cooling things down for the weekend, and hopefully putting a stain on the crystal clear waters!  We are not forecasted for a bunch of rain, so it should do a great job at dropping water (and air!) temperatures and putting a stain on the water for tomorrow.  The weekend is looking really good.   This is the last warmer day so the trico spinner fall will taper off after this morning to be replaced by olives when he sun is off the water. Terrestrials will be good today with a nice breeze, until the rain comes in the afternoon.   Subsurface fishing will be on smaller, thinner bodied flies fished right on the bottom during the day.  When it clouds up, look for scuds and leeches to catch fish.

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September 16 Fishing Report

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 Mostly Sunny High 83 Wind S 7-15   The warm weather goes away Friday.  The fishing has not been poor at all, just a  bit less comfortable with the sun high in the sky.  Find some shade and fish early/late to find more fish.   We have yet to see any significant rainfall from storms.  Creeks are low and clear with temps in the high 50s to mid 60s.  Remember to use your thermometer.  Anything over 65 will be crummy fishing.   Tricos in the mornings, terrestrials in the afternoon (one nice thing about sunny and breezy weather!), and midges in the evening on the surface.   Midge larvae, leeches, and pheasant tail type nymphs subsurface in the evenings.

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September 15 Fishing Report

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Sunny High 82 Winds gusting to 30 mph   Warmer, sunny and windy.  It will be rough out there today with a heavy south wind.  Most hatches will be suppressed due to the sun and winds.  If you can find some shelter there will be some surface activity.  The only silver lining is that windy days are typically better terrestrial days!  So break out your hoppers, ants, and beetles.  Fish them on a shorter leader as a long leader will be impossible to control in high winds!   Subsurface fishing will still be good on midge larvae, pheasant tails, and leeches.   Waters are flowing clear and a little low with temps in the high 50s to mid 60s.  

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September 14 Fishing Report

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Sunny High 78 Wind S 9-15   Sunny and a bit warmer today.  Find the shade to find fish! Waters are low and clear with temps in the high 50s to mid 60s.  Things are in excellent shape right now with fish eating subsurface on blue winged olive nymphs and midge larvae as well as other small, dark, and thin bodied flies.  When the sun is off the water, the will also eat leeches happily.   On the surface, we are seeing trico spinner falls return a bit with warmer mornings.  In the evening there are sporadic hatches of small olives.  During the day, the terrestrial fishing has been quite fun.  Crickets, ants, beetles and hoppers are all effective, especially when you drop a bead head nymph below!

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September 12 Fishing Report

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Sunny High 63 Wind N 5-7   A gorgeous cold morning with a night time temp that was in the low 40s!  This chilly weather will get things moving.   Fishing has been good on smaller terrestrials on the surface and a few anglers had a good olive hatch early in the morning and late in the afternoon yesterday (when the sun was off the water).   Subsurface fishing remains solid on thin bodied nymphs such as ice cream cones and pheasant tails. Creeks are clear area wide and flowing normal to a touch low.   This is excellent weather to be outside and fishing for some happy trout!

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September 11 Fishing Report

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party Sunny High 59 Wind N 7-10 MPH   The Driftless hit the reset button!  With the good flush a few days ago and cold nights and chilly days, the fishing has started to really pick up!   Creeks are clear and flowing well, with water temps in the mid 50s to 60.  The entire weekend will be cool and expect water temps to drop a bit more.  This is excellent news for insect and fish activity.   The trico spinner fall will be a bit blunted by this cold weather, but with the falling water temperatures we may see some olives hatching when the sun is off the water.  Otherwise terrestrials will be good, but not until the middle part of the day when things warm up a bit.   Subsurface fishing has been excellent on frenchies, midge larvae, and scuds.

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September10 Fishing Report

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Mostly Cloudy High 71 Wind SW to NW 8 mph Slight Change of Storms Creeks stained to clear with temps in the mid 50s to low 60s.     What a change in weather!  Cool today with cloud cover.  There is a chance we see an olive hatch after a cooler night and a cold day. Tricos were still doing their spinner fall yesterday in the morning, keep an eye out for rising fish first thing.  Surface fishing will be strong all day on attractor patterns and terrestrials.  A small hopper with a dropper is deadly right now!  In the evening fish will rise again to eat midge dries and smaller parachute patterns.   Subsurface fishing will be great on scuds today with the cloud cover!  Add to that leeches, midge larvae and pheasant tails.

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September 9 Fishing Report

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Sunny High 75 Wind W 5-8   The creeks were flushed a bit, and colder weather is in the forecast all week.  The creeks will be in great shape for the last month of season.   With cooler temperatures the tricos that are still around will do their spinner fall later on in the day.  No need to get up too early. Most action will be subsurface first thing on midge larvae, blue winged olive nymphs, and on cloudier days, scuds.   When things warm up terrestrials will be key on the surface.  On days with cloud cover watch for olive hatches to begin soon as the water temperature starts to drop.   There is still a bit of stain on some creeks today, so leeches streamers and scuds will be effective on water that has some color.

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September 8 Fishing Report

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 Scattered showers High 77 shifting wind NE 5-0     Some periods of heavy rain early this morning will have creeks blown for a bit.  Some could be fish able by this afternoon. A good cold rain along with cooling temperatures will really get the fishing going this week!   We're still seeing a few tricos in the am, and the terrestrial bite is still strong mid day.  With the cooler weather we may start to see olives again too.   Subsurface will start to get good on scuds and leeches as temperatures drop along with the usual midge larvae and pheasant tails.

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September 5th Fishing Report

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Sunny High 87 Wind S 5-9   Light drizzle and clouds this morning have it feeling quite nice this morning.  The mornings have been the most productive with fishing tapering off around 10 a.m. due to the sun and heat.     Creeks are low and clear with temperatures in the low to mid 60s.  Please use your thermometer as anything over 65 degrees will be poor fishing and 68+ can be lethal to trout.   After the weekend things start to cool down significantly which should turn the fishing back on throughout the day.  This weekend, fish early and late and find shade.

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September 4 Fishing Report

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Cooler feeling this morning with less humidity in the air! High 85 Clouds clearing around lunchtime to most sunny Wind SE 6-8 Water temps: High 50s to mid 60s.     The heat and humidity have broken a bit.  It will still be warm today but thing are changing as the weekend comes on us.  Monday the temperature dips significantly.   Fishing has still been solid early and late.  The mid day has just been too brutal to fish in for anglers, and the fish tend to have lockjaw when the sun is shining directly on the low and clear water.   Tricos early, ants beetles and hoppers in the shady and cooler creeks mid day.  The evenings bring fish up again and the will eat midge dries and emergers.   Subsurface fishing has been solid on midge larvae, and other smaller, thin bodied bugs. Mousing is still good with some aggressive fish eating when the sun is completely off the water.   Remember your thermometer as fishing will be poor if you find water temperatures over 65, and can be harmful to fish over 68.

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September 3 Fishing Report

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Mostly Sunny with possible clouds in the p.m. High 86 Wind S 5 mph     Another hot and humid summer day.  The good news is the fishery is still going strong!  Fish are more apt to eat early and late.  Taking a mid day break is a good idea in this weather.   Tricos are still doing their spinner falls in the mornings, with fish rising around 7-9 a.m. until the wind picks up or the sun gets at a higher angle in the morning.   Ants have been very good lately, both on the surface and sunken just below  the surface.  Make sure you are looking down every once in a while.  If you see a swarm of winged ants, fish ant patterns!   Subsurface fishing has been best on small to tiny bead heads fished slowly along the bottom of deeper pools and beneath undercut banks.   Creeks are clear and running at normal low summer levels.  Temps are in the low to mid 60s.  Make sure to use your thermometer, anything over 65 will be poor fishing, and over 68 can kill trout.

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September 2 Fishing Report

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Mostly Cloudy 40% chance rain High 85 Wind S 6-9 mph     A rain storm to get the humidity out of the air would be nice!  Despite the hot summer weather, things are still going well.  Water temps are decent thanks to the rains last week, but a few more warm days and we will have to start using the thermometers again.   Creeks are clear and flowing well.   Tricos in the mornings, then terrestrials throughout the day.  Subsurface fishing has been good on scuds, midge larvae, and pheasant tail type nymphs. Mouse fishing has also been solid in the evenings.   Looks like fishing early and late will be key the rest of the week.  Take a break in the mid day warmth as fishing will be pretty slow when the sun is on the water.

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September 1 Fishing Report

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September has arrived.  This is the last month of trout season in Wisconsin, get out there and fish! Mostly Sunny, Humid High 87 Wind S 5-8 mph.     Hot and humid today, it will be steamy out there!  The trico spinner fall will be brief with the fog and high humidity today, and the terrestrial bite will be off until the afternoon when things have dried out a bit.  Look for fish to be sporadically rising to midges on the surface.   We have seen some very solid any 'spinner falls' the past few days, but with the high humidity today they may be off.   The better fishing throughout the day will be on tiny bead head nymphs and midge larvae.  Creeks are clear and still flowing cool after rains a few days ago.   In the evening, look for fish to eat terrestrials, midges, and a handful of smaller, generic dry flies.

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August 31 Fishing Report

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Mostly Sunny High 82 Wind 5-10 from the South     Outside of the normal tricks and terrestrials, focus on ants today and tomorrow.  There have been quite a few flying ants around in cinnamon about a size 16-18.  When these flying ants appear, the fish can go nuts for them! Creeks are clear and flowing at good temperatures.

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August 29th Fishing Report

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Clouds early, then clearing High 74 Wind NE 6mph.   The rain yesterday fell slow (approx 1.5 inches) and steady meaning most creeks are not murky at all!  Expect clear to stained conditions area wide.   Fishing will be great while the clouds are in on scuds, leeches, and pink squirrels.  As the clouds go away, look for fish to eat attractor and terrestrial patterns on the surface and thinner bodied bead heads (pheasant tail and midge larva type).     Water temperatures will be excellent for August after cool nights and a good rain yesterday!

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April 28th Fishing Report

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UPDATE 10:15 a.m.  There have been only gentle scattered showers so far, and the weather forecast was downgraded to less accumulated rain.    Cool with a good chance of showers all day long today. High 65 Wind SE 6-9 MPH     The rain forecast changed from heavy rain to showers today which lessens the chance of things blowing out quickly.  A good soaking rain will re-fill the springs this August and set the creeks up to continue to flow cool even with a warmer weather pattern coming in next week.   For today, look for olives to hatch when the rain is not too heavy as the temperatures will remain mild all day long, and the weather is perfect for an olive hatch!   Terrestrials will be slower today with the drizzle and humid weather.  The real action will be subsurface as scuds and leeches will be moving around quite a bit today.   Keep an eye on the reports here for rain updates heading into the weekend.

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August 27 Fishing Report

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Mostly Sunny High Near 76 Calm Wind Becoming S 5-8 mph  Water Clear with temps in the high 50s to mid 60s.   The unsettled weather patterns continue, and it has had an odd effect on the fish the past couple of days.  Find the coolest and shadiest water and you will find fish.   Tricos have been later in the morning as the fog and cool nights have kept the spinners off the water at dawn.  Terrestrials are still the ticket on the surface, hoppers ants and crickets.   Subsurface fishing has been solid on micro mayflies, and other small tungsten bead head bugs that are thin bodied. When the sun comes off the water at night fishing has been a lot of fun using mouse patterns on some of the deeper and slower pools.

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August 26 Report

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Fish are having major lockjaw.  It has been a weird day.  Water temperatures are great for August, and the fish are there, but they are just not at all happy right now.  Only a few fish here and there have been caught.   Sunny with a high near 73 Light wind from the NW at 6 MPH

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August 25th Fishing Report

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Party Sunny High 68 Wind NW 9-13   The crazy winds have died down and the cooler weather pattern has settled in the area. Tricos first thing in the morning, then terrestrials with a dropper throughout the day.  Fish are liking crickets and ants especially well lately.  There are fish rising in the evenings to a mix of bugs.  It seems smaller (18-22) flush riding midge dries or caddis are the key. Subsurface fishing has been good on scuds, and midge larvae. The streamer fishing has come back with cooler temperatures, and mousing is solid in the evening.

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August 22 Fishing Report

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Sunny High 82 Breezy South Wind 8-18 gusting to 25   Despite the wind today, fishing will be hot.  After things normalized after the rains, we are back to our summer routine.  Tricos in the morning, crickets, beetles, hoppers and ants throughout the day, then rising fish (eating midges) in the evening when sun is off the water.  For rising fish, emergers have been excellent.   Subsurface fishing is best with smaller, thin bodied bead heads.  Midge larvae and micro nymphs. Mice, streamers and leeches are catching some nice fish at night too.   Waters are a bit low and running clear with temps in the high 50s to mid 60s.  It is still a good idea to use your thermometer as anything over 65 will be poor fishing and can be harmful to fish.

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August 21 Fishing Report

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Mostly Sunny High 78 SW Wind 7-14   Things have been hopping in the Driftless!  Another light rain last night will do nothing to the clarity of the creeks, but it did inject a bit more cold water into the system.  This weather is perfect for late August (excepting the wind...)   Tricos in the mornings, followed by solid terrestrial fishing, especially on smaller terrestrials such as ants and beetles.  In the evening the parachute adams hatch is on!  A simple adams or caddis pattern can get most fish to eat on the surface.  A midge dry will take care of the fussy fish.   Subsurface fishing has been excellent on leeches and scuds lately after the rains.  It is slowly turning back to midge larvae and small pheasant tail type bugs, but for the weekend, squirrels and hare's ear type nymphs should work just fine.   Waters are still a touch low, and clear to stained area wide with water temps in the mid 50s to 60s.

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August 20 Fishing Report

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Drizzle in the AM, then clearing High near 69 Wind W 10-15   We're still seeing scattered showers and drizzle area wide.  It has not been enough to muddy things up significantly, but expect a stain area wide again today.  This cold rain and weather has really set up the next few days to be outstanding for August fishing!   Tricos have been on hold with the cooler and wet weather. There have been some very solid olive hatches with this weather!  Hoppers and attractor patterns on the surface are great right now too.  The action  subsurface has been great while the rain is in the area.  Scuds, leeches, pink squirrels, and hare's ear nymphs are hot right now on the cloudier water, while midge larvae, scuds, and pheasant tails are solid on the clear water.

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August 19th Fishing Report

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Cloudy with a chance of rain High 65 Wind from SW 13-16 gusting up to 25   We've had an inch or two of rain area wide.  Creeks will be stained to cloudy today and will clear pretty quickly barring any more heavy rain today.  This was a much needed summer flush and, coupled with cool weather, has dropped water temperatures down to really good levels for August!   Today will be very windy. Tricos in the mornings, terrestrials mid day, and a handful of caddis and mayflies in the evening on the surface.  Subsurface scuds, san juan worms, leeches, and pink squirrels on the water with color, and midge larvae and pheasant tail nymphs on the clear water.

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August 18th Fishing Report

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Scattered Showers High near 74 Wind SE 6-8 MPH   The recent rains have cooled things down, but have not yet been enough to muddy anything up!  Waters are low and clear to slightly stained.  Temps are back to the low to mid 60s. With this overcast weather, look subsurface to scuds, leeches, midge larvae, and pink squirrels for success.   Tricos are still active in the mornings, and terrestrials will be decent throughout the day.  Just remember, that when it is wet and humid, the terrestrial fishing is usually slower.   Look for rising fish to eat midges and a handful of caddis in the evenings.   Mousing has been a ton of fun with the cooler weather!

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August 17 Fishing Report

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Relief from the heat is here! CLOUDY, 50% chance of thunderstorms HIGH 75 WEST WIND 3-7     Cloudy with a chance of rain today.  The fishing will pick up quickly after a hot weekend.  Look for fish eating terrestrials all day, and if we get the rain, look for fish to gorge on scuds and other thicker sub surface bead heads.   We are seeing tricos in the mornings on many creeks, then terrestrials on the surface throughout the day.  In the evenings, rising fish will eat caddis and low profile emergers.   The only aquatic insects in abundance this time of year are midges and tricos.  Your subsurface flies should match them meaning small and thin bodied.

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August15 Fishing Report

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SUNNY HIGH 90.  Wind SW 3-9 mph.   Fishing will be rough the next couple of days as the hot weather system wraps up.  This might be a good weekend to give the trout a rest. Monday will be a 20 degree drop in temperatures! Please remember your thermometer if you fish this weekend.  Water temperatures are up after a couple of 90 degree sunny days.  Anything over 65 will be poor fishing, and over 68 can kill trout you hook.   Tricos in the morning, then terrestrials and midges in the evening.

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August 14 Fishing Report

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Mostly Sunny, high near 89 Wind W 5-9 mph Fishing GOOD    Despite the mid day heat, fishing has been pretty good in the mornings and evenings!  Tricos are showing up early with the spinner fall pushing to almost 10 most days.  Fish will also rise in the evenings to midges and a handful of mayflies and caddis.  The key is to find shade and cool water.  Use your thermometer and if the water is over 65 move on!  Fishing will be quite slow with temps over 65 and can be lethal to trout over 68.   Subsurface fishing is best on smaller, thin bodied flies especially midge larvae.  Mousing is peaking right now with fish willing to eat mice when the sun is off the water.

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August 13 fishing report

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Mostly Sunny, high near 86 andBreezy  Solid summer fishing!  Fishing early and late while avoiding the mid day heat has been the key this week.  Tricos and happily feeding fish in the morning until about 11.  After the tricos slow down, a small terrestrial has been very effective on the surface.   In the evenings fish will start rising (mostly to midges) and feeding again.  A hopper with a small (18-22) bead head tied below has been the key in the last hours of the day.   Water is low and clear with temperatures in the low to mid 60s.  Please use your thermometer and avoid fishing anything over 65 degrees.  Not only will it be poor fishing, anything over 68 can be lethal to trout!

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August 12 Fishing Report

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SUNNY  HIGH OF 81.  WIND W 5-9 MPH   Tricos are still going strong in the mornings on most creeks.  After the spinner fall subsides, we are fishing terrestrials and small, thin bodied nymphs and midge larvae.  In the evening there are fish rising to a small variety of mayflies.  We typically do not change from fishing ants and beetles as the fish are happy to eat them at night!   Waters are low and clear with temps in the high 50s to 60s.  Please remember to use your thermometer as temps over 65 mean poor fishing and over 68 can be lethal to trout! Don't forget mousing at night.  It has been a blast this season!

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August 11 Fishing Report

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We're back from B.C. and will be working on making the reports look good again! Water:  High of 79 and sunny, wind from the north at 6 mph becoming calm in the evening.  Tricos have been the ticket early in the mornings with spinner falls lasting some mornings until 9! Beetles, ants and hoppers have been excellent mid day, especially when tied with a small, thin bodied nymph dropper below. Waters are low and clear with temperatures in the 60s.  Please remember to use your thermometer as water temperatures over 65 will be poor fishing, and over 68 can be lethal to trout!

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August 7 Fishing Report

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Drizzle this morning, then clouds throughout the day.  Decent conditions to catch some trout this weekend.   Fishing is still best early and late, with tricos getting fish to rise early.  Mid day can be fun on terrestrials with droppers, but the action really picks up again in the evenings when the sun is off the water. Creeks are low and clear, normal summer conditions, with water temps at 60.

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Mid Summer Fishing Conditions

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SUNNY 77 HATCHES :  Tricos and Terrestrials   Water is low, clear and warm.  We have had a few cooler nights that have helped water temps out  a bit, but please use your thermometer and do not fish anything over 65 degrees.  The mornings are showing us some nice trico spinner falls that have fish rising until about 9 a.m.  After that, on the cooler streams, fish are eating terrestrials very well, especially beetles.  Tying a thin bodied dropper below, or nymphing with a midge larvae or pheasant tail has been very effective as well.   Mice have been lots of fun at night!

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Fishing Report Being Updated

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Please bear with us as we have switched over to a mobile friendly web format.  Our fishing report will be back to normal again soon!   Sunny and 78 today.   Tricos in the mornings, hoppers through the day, and rising fish in the evening.  Fish thin bodied nymphs low and slow when noses are not coming up.

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