UPDATE 10:15 a.m.  There have been only gentle scattered showers so far, and the weather forecast was downgraded to less accumulated rain. 
Cool with a good chance of showers all day long today.
High 65
Wind SE 6-9 MPH
  The rain forecast changed from heavy rain to showers today which lessens the chance of things blowing out quickly.  A good soaking rain will re-fill the springs this August and set the creeks up to continue to flow cool even with a warmer weather pattern coming in next week.
  For today, look for olives to hatch when the rain is not too heavy as the temperatures will remain mild all day long, and the weather is perfect for an olive hatch!
  Terrestrials will be slower today with the drizzle and humid weather.  The real action will be subsurface as scuds and leeches will be moving around quite a bit today.
  Keep an eye on the reports here for rain updates heading into the weekend.