Rating: 2, temperature: 20 ℉, condition: Windy.Weather is still cold, cold enough that fishing is limited to late morning and early afternoon when water temp is the highest. Midges...
Fishing Reports
Rating: 2, temperature: 18 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.The limiting factor right now is cold weather. The fish are happy under water, not particularly active as water temps are 40...
Rating: 2, temperature: 25 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.Cold and sunny today, with a very cool night last night will put insect and fish activity in the slow lane today. Look for...
Rating: 3, temperature: 40 ℉, condition: Dust.Today is the last day before an ugly cold front hits the area on Tuesday. Fishing during the warmer weather and rain has been quite good...