Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 78 ℉, condition: Windy.

UPDATE 9:30  Rain has all but stopped as the storm is east of the area.  There is a slim chance of something popping up later on, but nothing on radar as of now!

UPDATE: 8:00 So far only a nice soaking rain in the area.  The storm band does not look like it will stick around long.  Look for the rain to pass us by in a couple of hours at the most.
Hurry up and fish this morning!
  A storm is starting to form and should hit the area around ten to noonish this morning.  The prediction is for up to an inch of rain.  While this should not muddy anything up significantly, it might slow things down.  We will keep you updated throughout the day.
  Fishing has been best on terrestrials with droppers most of the day as hatches have started to fade.  You will still find a few craneflies, caddis, and lighter colored mayflies hatching in the evening, as well as a handful of midges.
  Subsurface fishing has been best on smaller, slim bodied nymphs and midge larvae.
  The sun has been the limiting factor the past few days, cloudy days like today and finding shade are the keys to better fishing.

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