Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 62 ℉, condition: Windy.

UPDATE:  Some rain storms late last night were locally heavy.  There is some cloudy water out there, but fishable.

 Cooler with a bit of drizzle this morning.  Cloud will be in all day!
  Fishing has been a ton of fun on the surface with fish seeing bug soup.  We have tan caddis, a few black caddis, sulphur colored mayflies, craneflies, midges, and yellow sallies showing up on the surface.  Add to this beetles and ants, and you have a huge menu that trout can choose from.
  Subsurface is equally crazy.  Scuds, leeches, soft hackles, and thicker bodied patterns (hare's ear/prince nymph types) are catching fish.
  Creeks are clear to slightly stained as the heavy rains missed us dropping only about an inch in the past 24 hours.

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