Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 71 ℉, condition: Flurries.

UPDATE 3:30---   Olives spotted hatching on some of the warmer, headwater creeks.

Fishing remains good as water temperatures stabilize in the low to mid 40s.
Waters are low and clear.
  Bugs are crawling around on rocks, and fish have started to push out of the deep holes into the runs to feed.  There are even fish looking up, so do not overlook fishing a dry/dropper rig this week!
  Midges are hatching, with a few winter stoneflies flying around too.  Water temperatures are getting to the point that we should start seeing olives soon.
  Still fishing small, dark flies subsurface (black Frenchie), along with pink squirrels. Midge dries and some smaller, attractor flies on the surface.  Leeches remain hot.
  Warm and mostly sunny today.

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