Driftless Area

Rating: 2, temperature: 59 ℉, condition: Cloudy.

UPDATE 4:00    Creeks are blowing mud.  This is the big melt day.  Maybe one more day until it gets out of the system and things start to stabilize.  We will keep you posted.

Fishing has been pretty good early, before the snowmelt happens.  With today being hot and sunny look for creeks to get high and murky in the afternoon with water temperatures dropping.  When the water temperatures dip like this, fishing shuts down.
  The good news is that there is very little snow left to melt.  After today things should stabilize!
  Fish have been eating small nymphs and scuds, as well as chasing leeches.
  Water temps are in the higher 30s to low 40s.  

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