Driftless Area

Rating: 5, temperature: 76 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.

 The perfect July continues through this weekend with temps still in the 70s and night time temps in the low 60s.  This unseasonably cool weather has fishing incredible so far this summer.
  There are tricos in the air in the mornings, with some creeks getting a good spinner fall.  In the afternoons, fishing hoppers and other indicator patterns with a bead head dropper (or midge larva) has been a ton of fun.  On sunnier days, the closer you get the hopper to the bank, the more likely it is to get eaten!  If fish are rising, try an ant or beetle.
  The evening brings fish rising to craneflies and midges.
Water temps are in the mid 50s to 60s, and creeks are clear to slightly stained.

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