Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 41 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.

UPDATE---  A bit of morning scouting south of town showed streams with a couple feet of visibility.  Definitely fishable!  The frozen ground ensured that the water went through the stream quickly and kept banks from eroding heavily with the rain last night.

 About half an inch of rain fell yesterday in Vernon county.  Heading south and east, there was at least double that amount.  Creeks near the shop and to the north are in great shape, slightly stained and clearing!
  Fishing was strong yesterday on the usual suspects.  Scuds, midges, leeches. Neater temperatures are still chillier than average with most creeks near 40 degrees.
  With warmer temperatures, we will continue to see a slow melting of the little snow that is left on the banks.  Right around 3 waters will start to rise and get cold.  Fishing usually shuts down when this happens.

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