Driftless Area

Rating: 4, temperature: 75 ℉, condition: Flurries.

 Another pattern of cold weather has settled in the area.  Temps will be in the high 60s to mid 70s the rest of the week!
  We are forecasted for some rain the next few days.  We will keep you posted on just how much and what, if anything, it is doing to the streams.
  Fishing has picked up again after a hot weekend.  Tricos in the mornings have fish rising on many creeks.  But, as it has been all August, terrestrials are the key right now.  Beetles, small hoppers and ants have been excellent.  There have been sporadic hatches of midges and mayflies in the evenings too.
  Subsurface fishing has also been excellent on smaller, thin bodied patterns with just a hint of color or flash in them.
  Leeches have also been picking up more and more fish, especially underneath the banks and when the sun is not on the water.

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