Driftless Area
Rating: 3, temperature: 70 ℉, condition: Flurries.
Fishing continues to be solid with the bug soup going on.Waters are clear to stained except for the larger waters which are stained to milky, but dropping and clearing quickly with a dry day yesterday.
During periods of cloud cover the fishing is great, when the sun pokes out fish swim deep in the pools or under lunker structures.
Hatches include; craneflies, tan caddis, yellow sallies, sulphurish mayflies, midges, and even olives on the cloudy days. Add to that ants, beetles, and even smaller hopper type patterns and you have a recipe for some good surface fishing.
Subsurface activity is equally as good. Scuds, thin bodied mayflies in brown and red, caddis and cranefly larvae, midge larvae, leeches and streamers are all effective.