Driftless Area

Rating: 2, temperature: 28 ℉, condition: Cloudy.

Happy opening early season!
  Cold weather last night means fishing will not get rolling until late morning.  Fish yesterday were seen rising until about 4 p.m.  The sun today should mean some good surface action on midges and winter stone flies.
  Water temps are in the high 30s to low 40s area wide.  Streams are clear and flowing normal for winter (a little on the low side)
  Fishing will be best on open meadows as they will get the most solar warmth throughout the day.
  Small, thin, and dark flies will be key.  Surface and subsurface midges and stoneflies size 16-22.  Otherwise, large flies like the chubby cousin, pink squirrel and Jimmy legs will catch fish.
  Do not overlook leeches too, as they always produce well in the early season.

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