Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 71 ℉, condition: Cloudy.

Pleasant weather again today.  The sun has kept fish from feeding as heavily on top lately, but the olive hatch in the evening is good, and drifting terrestrials right against grassy banks will get some fish up top too.
  Water is cool to cold area wide.  Everything is fishable and flowing low and clear.  Remember to stay stealthy!
  Fish are feeding on scuds, slim bodied bead head nymphs, and leeches throughout the day.  Subsurface fishing has been best in the runs below riffles and the tailouts of pools.  As evening approaches do not be afraid of casting some nymphs in the riffles too.
  Mouse fishing at night has been a blast lately with quite a few fish landed and even more broken off!

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