Driftless Area
Rating: 3, temperature: 60 ℉, condition: Flurries.
Scattered showers and clouds this morning, gradually clearing up by the afternoon. Look for risers in the late morning thanks to the cloud cover! The morning cloud cover will be in the area through Sunday.Water is low and clear and temps in the mid 50s to 60s.
Fishing has been good on tiny stuff. Size 20-22 dries to risers and dropper in a size 18-22.
Terrestrials and attractors are still working, but it is taking a while for the ground to warm up in the morning thanks to cold overnight temperatures.
Scuds, pink squirrels and other heavy bugs rolled along the bottom, both in holes and in riffles, are also effective.
Leeches, streamers and mice at night have been great!
Season is winding down, come and fish the Driftless before the month ends!