Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 71 ℉, condition: Cloudy.

Fishing has been fun lately with fish eating smaller terrestrials on the surface as well as having olives hatch unexpextedly throughout the day.  Do not overlook craneflies, as they have started to appear in pretty large numbers again on some streams.
  Subsurface, the pink squirrel is king again.  Use them, and other thick bodied nymphs, in the deeper runs and holes.  In the riffles and shallow runs fish are eating scuds and tiny, slim bodied nymphs and midge larvae.
  The water temps are in the late summer range (50's to 60's) and fish are happy.  Fishing is still best when the sun is off the water, but fishing has been pretty good throughout the day.
  Season closes at the end of the month!

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