Driftless Area
Rating: 3, temperature: 88 ℉, condition: Cloudy.
A very cool night last night will have fishing this morning in great shape. Finding the cool nights and fishing the day after can lead to incredible fishing during the summer months.Tricos in the mornings, and terrestrials (even with droppers) the rest of the day. The evening hatches have all but fizzled out with only a few craneflies and a handful of light colored mayflies hatching. We have been fishing hoppers or midges on the surface at night.
The hopper action is really heating up with fish starting to rocket from out of cover and across the stream to eat hoppers!
Nymphing is best with tiny midge larvae or slim bodied nymphs fished either below a hopper or rolled along below riffles.
Water temps are normal summer temps with a few streams hitting 70+ during the day. When water is over 70 fishing can be lethal to trout. Remember your thermometer!