Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 86 ℉, condition: Flurries.

Warmer and a bit more humid today as the wind shifts and starts coming from the south.  This will blow some cloud cover in this afternoon too.
  Fishing has been great on smaller terrestrials (ants and beetles) on the surface and starting to pick up on small hoppers too.
  Fishing them with a small bead head nymph as a dropper is deadly.
  Fish are still eating on the surface in the evening, mostly on midges and craneflies, but the odd light colored mayfly and yellow sally are showing up  too.
  Subsurface is all scuds and small bead head nymphs.  Nothing too fancy, but mid day fish can be a bit fussy, especially if the sun is shining bright.  Take your time and get the drift right on their nose!
  Water is low and clear with temps in the mid 50s to mid 60s.

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