Driftless Area

Rating: 5, temperature: 73 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.

The fishing has been off the charts good lately, BUT only if you are fishing early and late.  Mid day fishing is still good, but the bright sunny sky is not helping. 
  Early in the morning water temps are in the high 40s to low 50s and fish are feeding sub surface on scuds, brown and red mayfly nymphs and midge larvae.
  Mid day, the hatches begin and small terrestrials (ants and beetles) are crawling around.  If you can find a shaded spot or skitter and swing flies through the riffles you can catch fish.
  The magic happens later on in the day.  We have seen sulphurs, PMDs, Hendricksons, yellow sallies, olives, caddis and craneflies hatching in the evening.  Fish are feeding on emergers in the riffles and runs, and sipping dry flies in the shin to thigh deep water.

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