Driftless Area

Rating: 4, temperature: 52 ℉, condition: Flurries.

Clear water area wide, outside of the larger streams (anything with "fork" in its name) which are cloudy to stained but still dropping.
  The rain a couple of nights ago has recharged many streams and has fish feeding very well subsurface.  Water temps are in the high 40s to 50s and stable.
  Weather today will start sunny, then start to cloud up in the afternoon.  Possible drizzle in the late afternoon and early evening.
We have seen lots of midges lately with fish sipping in the tailouts of pools.  With the weather today, we should also see some olives hatching.
  Subsurface fish have been eating caddis and cranefly larvae.  Scuds and midge larvae are also working well.
  Leeches and streamers have been decent, but should fish better when the clouds roll in later on today.

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