Driftless Area

Rating: 4, temperature: 56 ℉, condition: Dust.

A new storm front will blow in this morning with a stiff south wind.  Then some light rain predicted after 1 p.m.
There is rain and some possible thunderstorms this weekend, but with little accumulation expected, it should not be close to blowing out any streams permanently.
  Fishing should be solid all day today as the overnight temperature was warm enough to keep things going.  The weather switching from bright and sunny to overcast should bring a slight shift in flies from caddis to more olives.  Midges will still work too.  Fish have been rising in the afternoons and into the evenings with the flies changing from caddis to midges as the sun goes down.
  Subsurface fishing on midge larvae, caddis pupae, and scuds has been great.
  Waters are low and clear with temps in the high 40s to 50s.  Things are a bit more normal now for April compared to the conditions we had a month ago!

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