Driftless Area

Rating: 4, temperature: 77 ℉, condition: Heavy Rain.

A bit of light rain this morning, then cloudy in the afternoon.  Fishing has been fantastic both surface and sub surface during the darker parts of the day.  Even mid day the fish are still feeding, especially on the smaller, cooler waters.
  Water temps are in the high 50s to low 60s and streams are crystal clear to slightly stained.
  Fish are starting to key in on lighter colored flies again and we have seen some very sporadic hatches of bugs.  Tan caddis, sulphurs, yellow sallies...  All are being eaten by fish even if there is no hatch activity on the water.  Hatches of midges in the mornings and fish feeding in the evenings on olives and light colored mayflies and caddis.  Fish are also eating small hoppers.
  Subsurface scuds are great right now, as are leeches.
This is prime time to throw a mouse pattern at night!

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