Driftless Area

Rating: 2, temperature: 77 ℉, condition: Windy.

Where you can find clear water, the fishing is great right now.  The problem is there is a small percentage of water that is clear after another inch or so of rain last night area wide.  The Timber Coulee is still fishable in its upper sections as are the tributaries.  Other tiny streams and tributaries are also fishable.
The good news is we needed this water, and the temperatures (both air and water) have dropped down into a really good zone for fishing the next few weeks.
  There is a chance for more rain, and in spots heavy rain.  We will keep you updated.
  Fish will be feeding heavily on scuds and thicker nymphs as well as san juan worms and leeches in stained water.  This is not a bad time to be fishing as trout, and especially large trout, are feeding heavily.  It is just a function of finding fishable water.

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