Driftless Area

Rating: 4, temperature: 66 ℉, condition: Heavy Rain.

UPDATE:  2:45  Rain has stopped.  About an inch total which muddied up the waters quickly.  I will be scouting streams after the shop closes and will post updates, but the ground was dry and the pavement outside the shop is already dry.  I doubt it will ruin fishing for more than a couple more hours today.

UPDATE: 10:15  Rain in the area.  Heavy showers now.  We will keep you updated.

Fishing has been very strong the past few days.  Water is clear and temperatures are right at 50 degrees.
Fish are feeding heavily in the riffles on caddis and midges as well as a handful of mayflies on cloudy days like today.
  There is rain forecasted for today before lunch time, but nothing that will blow out any streams.  This is a new storm front, and a pretty steady breeze will be around all day.
  We have been fishing a dry/dropper rig with a caddis dry and a pupae or emerger or even a thick bodied nymph dropped below.  In the morning fish eat the sub surface fly, in the afternoons the dry gets most of the action.

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