Driftless Area

Rating: 5, temperature: 69 ℉, condition: Flurries.

Caddis, Craneflies, and Olives!  This is a great time of year to be fishing the Driftless.
  Water temps are in the 50s and we have had very little rain which means streams are running clear.
  Fish are eating in the riffles from late morning into the evening on caddis and craneflies (dries, emergers, soft hackles, pupae etc).  There are also some selective fish feeding on mayflies in the runs and tail ends of pools.
  Subsurface scuds and thicker bodied caddis larvae/pupae are the ticket as well as leeches and streamers in the low light periods, and when swung and twitched through a riffle of rising fish.

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