Driftless Area
Rating: 3, temperature: 45 ℉, condition: Windy.
No April fools joke, at 6 this morning it was snowing lightly!Chace for some drizzle this morning with no major accumulation expected, so no fear of anything blowing out. After that, clouds all day.
Fishing has been good thanks to the midge hatch that has been coming off in the afternoons. Even during a weak midge hatch fish are still active around lunch time eating small bead head nymphs in the runs and tailouts of pools.
During the hatch, any size 16-22 dark bodied dry fly seems to work well. The closer to a true black the better, but if you are fond of your parachute adams, they are working too!
Leeches and streamers are beginning to work well again as peak temperatures are reaching the mid to high 40s and even into the 50s on some area streams.