Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 33 ℉, condition: Heavy Rain.

Most of our small streams are clear and flowing very well.  Larger streams are stained to cloudy with only a handful still unfishable.  This weekend is turning out to be excellent with clear to stained water and sunny days.  Great midge hatch conditions.
Midges are hatching daily and fish were rising until dark last night.  The main dry fly activity is around noon.
  Water temps are chilly due to recent snowmelt and cold overnight temperatures.  The are hitting the low to mid 40s at their peak.
  Fish are responding well to tiny midge larvae twitched below riffles and at the tailouts of pools.  They are also taking scuds and thicker bodied nymphs fished in the deep water.
  Dry fly action can be had on midges, especially in the tailouts and flats, as well as a few fish have started to rise in the riffles.
  Leeches and streamers have caught and turned some really big fish lately too.

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