Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 42 ℉, condition: Flurries.

Colder than expected last night which is a good thing as it has stopped the melting.  Today will be a bit chillier than forecasted with highs in the low 40s, again good for a slow melting.
  Fishing has been good recently between the hours of 9 and about 3.  This is when the water temperature is at its highest, and before the snow melt drops the water temperature.  A thermometer is a good thing to have with you this time of year.
  Fish have been eating small dark bodied patterns sub surface, as well as scuds and leeches.
  Pupae fished with a bit of action, as well as midge dries have been very effective when flies are hatching.  On some of the warmer streams, we have seen some mayflies as well.

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