Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 36 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.

UPDATE 5:00 PM-->  Water temps were high enough on select streams to see blue winged olives hatching.  Tomorrow will be more of the same.  Get out earlier and beat the melting snow putting cold water into the system.
  Streams still clear to the lowest sections which are only slightly stained.

Sunny and warmer today.  It is important to get our and fish as the sun has water temperatures rising as of 9 this morning.  Fish until you see your thermometer start to dip in the late afternoon due to snow melt.
  Midges should be popping off heavily today for a brief time around noon.
  Leeches and scuds sub surface, while little pupae patterns fished with controlled drag are doing very well.

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