Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 33 ℉, condition: Heavy Rain.

UPDATE 1:00->  Snow is over, and already a slow melting has begun.  Fish are rising as I type this to midges.

Wet heavy snow fell last night and will continue into this afternoon.  This snow will not affect the water or fishing, but it makes access a bit tougher today and into early tomorrow.
  Tomorrow will bring a nice slow melt and hopefully get things back on track.
  Fish are still rising to midges in the afternoons, and leeches have been great over the past few days in getting sluggish fish to eat.
  Look for fish in the slow water eddies and tailouts.
Water temps have still barely been hitting 40.  When they do get to 40 or above (or you find springs pumping in warmer water) you will find active fish.

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