Driftless Area

Rating: 2, temperature: 55 ℉, condition: Thunder Storms.

Heavy fog today.  Lots of snow melt yesterday, and today is going to be even warmer.
  Wisconsin's trout season is open on the 5th of March, and the warm weather coupled with a bit of drizzle today will knock down even more snow.  Some of the smaller meadow streams have lost their drifts, and you can see some grass on the banks.
  The melt has been slow and steady with just a touch of color to the water so far.
  If you are fishing Iowa or Minnesota, the magic time is when the water is warming up (starting approx 9 am) and before snowmelt drops the water temperature (approx 2 p.m.).  This trend will continue as long as there is snow to be melted.  We have seen winter stones and midges hatching during the mid day, so break out your small dark fly patterns!

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