Driftless Area
Rating: 3, temperature: 86 ℉, condition: Heavy Rain.
Cloudy and warm again today. Fishing will be best in the morning and evening. The tricos have been hatching during the night, and since the nights have been warm the spinner fall has started before it is light out. We have been catching only the tail end heading out at first light, but fish are still responding and looking up. Try a beetle or hopper early to fool the fish that have recently fed on tricos. Cooler nights coming up should push the spinner fall later through dawn.During the day and into the evening the terrestrial and dropper is working very well. Fish are below the riffles in the shady areas (undercut banks etc). Find shade and you will find fish.
Remember your thermometer. Most of our streams are very cool right now, but there are a handful that are around 70 degrees. Fishing will be poor on these and fighting fish when water temps are that high can be lethal to the fish.