Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 75 ℉, condition: Windy.

UPDATE 10:30:  Rain stopped. nothing significant so streams will all still be in great shape.
UPDATE 10:00: Light rain in town, should be short lived according to satellite.

Cloudy day today which should get fish even more comfortable.  Fishing has been good lately with our waters being stained to clear.  The stain on the water this month has been incredible, no spooking fish from 40 feet away!
  Fish are eating tricos and olives as well as cream midges in the morning on the surface, and when the sun hits the water they are switching over to sub surface nymphs and scuds.  During the day a hopper, beetle, or ant with a small nymph tied on below has been excellent for us.
  Leeches and streamers have been great this July too as fish are feeling more agressive in this high water, especially when there is some color to the water.
  We are looking forward to a great summer as all of our rain works through the springs and churns out cold water the rest of the summer.

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