Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 78 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.

Streams are still clear (except the largest waters that have a slight stain to them still).
  Less than a quarter of an inch of rain total yesterday and last night means little in terms of muddying up waters.
  Today will give us spotty clouds which should have fish feeding well compared to the bright sun of the past few days.
  Terrestrials are still the ticket and are catching quite a few fish.  Small, thin bodied nymphs and scuds are also doing very well either tied on below a terrestrial, or rolled along the bottom.
  Remember to use a smaller indicator as clear water and summer sun means fish are spooky!
  Tricos have been hinted at and we will be out scouting the next couple of mornings to see if they have arrived yet.

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