Driftless Area

Rating: 1, temperature: 77 ℉, condition: Fog.

UPDATE 2:30:  The rain is moving through the system now and everything is high and muddy.  Some of the smaller streams may clear as the next storm should be south of us late this afternoon, however after the sun starts to set there is supposed to be a bunch of rain again.

UPDATE 12:00 noon:  Steady rains.  Will go out scouting in a minute but it looks bad.  Over an inch at 8:00 this morning.  Expect mud to start flowing and more rain this afternoon.

Steady showers have waters high and murky.  There has been a total of about 0..3 inches of rain since last night.  Under these conditions seek out the smaller tributary water and streams that are not heavily grazed.
  Fishing San Juan worms, leeches, and larger scuds will still catch fish in the cloudy to clear streams.
  We are slated for more rain today and the streams will continue to cloud up and muddy a bit more.  Our best bet is if the rain is the steady light rains we are having, it is at a tipping point and if we get anything close to heavy the waters will all blow out.

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