Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 85 ℉, condition: Light Flurries.

A sunny day today with a smattering of clouds.  The ground has had a chance to dry out after a few days of light rains, so expect terrestrials to be important today (ants have been HOT!).
  Waters are clear area wide and fishing is quite good.  As with any sunny day find the shade and you will find feeding fish.
  Fish are still feeding in the shallower waters, but a few have moved into holes under lunker structures and naturally undercut banks to get out of the sun.
  A deep drifted scud will get these fish, and they will take terrestrials fished right up against the shore.
  Hatches are still sparse and include craneflies, caddis, sulphurs and cahills.  Yellow sallies in the evenings are doing quite well still too.

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