Driftless Area
Rating: 4, temperature: 83 ℉, condition: Heavy Rain.
UPDATE: 8:00 a.m. First thundershower is in town, heavy rain and light hail.8:10 No more rain.
9:15 More heavy rain. Break out the streamers and San Juan Worm, we will be muddy.
1:45 No more rain as of now. 1/2 inch total so far. Streams clearing as you read this.
The brutally hot weather has left the area and there is cloud cover for most of the day today.
Fish are holding in the riffles for the most part instead of the deep holes. Attractor dries, as well as terrestrials, with a small nymph or midge tied below is the ticket. Soft hackles are also deadly under these conditions.
We have seen a handful of caddis, some smaller mayflies, and craneflies hatching sporadically.
Sulphurs and yellow sallies are starting to hatch well in the evenings.