Driftless Area

Rating: 5, temperature: 70 ℉, condition: Flurries.

UPDATE:  Noon:  Fishing this morning was near epic.  Fish were rising to midges, olives, and even caddis despite the fact that there were no real hatches to speak of.  Haze is keeping the sun off the water and fish are happy.
  Also caught fish rolling a big scud along the bottom.

 Sunny and warmer today with a high of 70.
Waters are stained to clear as the streams have cleared after rains earlier this week.
  Craneflies have been hatching since the rain and will continue to do so on a sunny day like today.
  Also watch for caddis flies during the afternoon, and midges in the morning and evening.
  There have been sporadic reports of lighter colored mayflies hatching in the evenings as well.
  Leeches always work incredibly well a few days after rain events, so do not overlook fishing a big ugly fly too.
  Sub surface patterns include larger scuds in gray and tan, as well as cranefly larvae (a hare's ear works in a pinch as a cranefly).

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