Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 61 ℉, condition: Partly Cloudy.

 There is a cold front blowing in today (which means more wind of course) that should energize our streams a bit over the next few days.
  Last night saw a quarter of an inch of rain fall, nothing even close to muddying up our streams.  Water is clear and a bit low.
  Today will be calm this morning and sunny and windy in the afternoon.
Midges have been fishing very well in the mornings, and nymphs and streamers during the day, especially caddis larvae and cranefly larvae.
  Mid day, throw midge larvae into the riffles under a big indicator dry.
  Remember streamers and leeches for the windiest part of the day.  You do not have to be as exact with presenting these flies, so the effect of the wind can be lessened a bit.

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