Driftless Area

Rating: 3, temperature: 47 ℉, condition: Thunder Storms.

 Fishing has been very strong, and getting even better as the water drops and continues to clear.  The majority of our waters are fishable with a bit of a stain on them, the larger waters will tend to be on the murky side clearing up by this afternoon.
  There is only a chance of drizzle forecasted today, and currently it is misty outside.  Nothing major to blow the streams out again.
  Larger, thicker nymphs and scuds (hare's ear, prince, pink squirrel etc) will be working well, as will leech and streamer patterns.  As the water clears up, the midges and winter stones will appear and smaller flies will become very important again too.
 Current water temperatures are still peaking around 45 degrees, once we get past 45 we will start seeing olives!

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