A 20 percent chance of rain before 10am. Cloudy, with a high near 54. North wind around 8 mph.
Rains missed us pretty much completely last night. We only received about 1/2 an inch of rain or so meaning everything is clear to slightly stained and fishing incredibly well.
We're still fishing an attractor dry with a dropper during the day with fish loving the royal color hippie stomper and training wheels. Dropping a pheasant tail or zika midge below is deadly as you are covering multiple columns of water. It isn't bad idea to tie a trailing olive emerger later in the day too.
Olives are hatching mid day through the evening and fish are keying in on them. A film critic or thorax baetis is perfect to throw at the risers.
Subsurface fishing has been hot on scuds and squogs with smaller, thin bodied bugs fishing well later in the day to mimic the blue winged olive nymphs and emergers.