Creeks are in good shape, but still low and clear. Yesterday was a breakthrough day with olives, black caddis, and even some craneflies showing up. Guide trips were fishing dries pretty much all day!
Unfortunately we are getting a turn in the weather. We are forecasted for rain tonight and through Saturday. Most of our snow is gone and this rain (unless it falls heavily) should not do major damage to the fishing conditions. It is a gamble, but through the weekend if the rain falls normally to gently we could be rewarded with some higher and cloudy water which we have not had in quite a while! Again it is a bit of an unknown at this point. We will keep you posted.
Today should be a repeat of yesterday's hatching, just later in the day as we have lost the sunny skies. Fish caddis larvae and olive nymphs deep in the morning as well as leeches and scuds. Once the bugs start to hatch look for olives to be the main hatch with a few scattered caddis.