artly sunny, with a high near 69. Breezy, with a west wind 7 to 12 mph increasing to 16 to 21 mph in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 32 mph.
  A cold front is blowing in.  Today will be windy, so find some shelter against bluff faces or in the trees if possible.
Fishing has been good, with fish eating terrestrials well (which they will do again today, especially with the winds!) as well as lighter colored mayflies on the surface and a handful of caddis and craneflies.
  Subsurface fishing has been excellent on ice cream cones and other small midge larvae as well as brush hogs and smaller tungsten bead heads rolled along the bottom.
  Creeks are a bit low and mostly clear with water temperatures in the high 50s to mid 60s.  There are a few creeks that are already over 65 degrees at the hottest part of the day.  Use your thermometer!  Not only will the warmer creeks stink for fishing, but it can also put stress on the trout.