Mostly cloudy, with a high near 80. South wind 8 to 11 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%.
Recent rains have been brief, but heavy. Expect to encounter clear to murky water area wide. If the creek you first visit is muddy, either fish a leech or bugger or dive a valley or two over as heavy rain is localized and can be nonexistent in a nearby creek.
Fishing has been solid on the clearer creeks thanks to the sulphur hatch and terrestrials on the surface. Subsurface fishing has been great on brush hogs, scuds, and heavy bead head nymphs with a thin profile such as midge larvae and pheasant tail type nymphs.
It's the time of year to start using your thermometer again. Some larger creeks are hitting a peak temperature in the upper 60s where fishing slows down quite a bit. The prime temperature is 55-65 degrees.