Fishing remains solid for December! Wisconsin is closed (re-opens Jan2), Iowa is open, and a handful of creeks in Minnesota are open too. Check your regulations if you are unsure!
Fish are actively spawning right now, so please leave spawning fish alone. They are easily stressed while producing the next generation of trout for the creeks. Don't bug them!
Temperatures are unseasonably warm, and it is very comfortable to be outside!
Creeks are due for some rain the next few days. It does not look like any gully washers, but a nice steady rain for 2-3 days. This will help to fill the springs and creeks well as the ground is not frozen!
Midges are the food of choice for trout right now, with fish rising in the afternoons to midges and even a few very late olives. Subsurface fishing has been best on simple midge larvae, scuds, and leeches drifted along the bottom and twitched occasionally.