Mostly Sunny with possible clouds in the p.m.
High 86
Wind S 5 mph
  Another hot and humid summer day.  The good news is the fishery is still going strong!  Fish are more apt to eat early and late.  Taking a mid day break is a good idea in this weather.
  Tricos are still doing their spinner falls in the mornings, with fish rising around 7-9 a.m. until the wind picks up or the sun gets at a higher angle in the morning.
  Ants have been very good lately, both on the surface and sunken just below  the surface.  Make sure you are looking down every once in a while.  If you see a swarm of winged ants, fish ant patterns!
  Subsurface fishing has been best on small to tiny bead heads fished slowly along the bottom of deeper pools and beneath undercut banks.
  Creeks are clear and running at normal low summer levels.  Temps are in the low to mid 60s.  Make sure to use your thermometer, anything over 65 will be poor fishing, and over 68 can kill trout.