Sunny, with a high near 82. Southeast wind 5 to 7 mph.
  Creeks have generally cleared up after the rains a couple of days ago.  Expect clear to stained water area wide.  Temperatures in the mid 50s to mid 60s.
  The high water has scoured the stream beds and knocked down backside vegetation making fishing easier!  Trout have moved back into normal feeding positions below the riffles and into the pools.  The sun will be bright all weekend, so fish early and late and find some shade for better fishing.
  Terrestrials are the top choice for surface flies.  We are getting midges and craneflies in the morning, and there are a few lighter colored mayflies hatching in the evenings too, but ants and beetles are the top producers on top.
  Subsurface flies are getting smaller and thinner as the sun gets brighter during the day.  Start with a hare's ear or she hulk in the morning, eventually switching to a heavy midge larvae or pheasant tail during the day.  Fish are deep and underneath banks when the sun is out.
  Mousing has been a blast lately!