Partly sunny, with a high near 58. North wind 6 to 10 mph.
Between the caddis and the creek lamprey, fishing has been fantastic lately!
The caddis hatch is still going on strong, both black and tan caddis are hatching mid day.  There are still a few olives hatching as well, but they are far more active on cloudy days.
  The other big food event is the creek lamprey spawn.  Look for little bowls of brushed gravel and fish a big olive leech in the holes nearby!
Subsurface fishing has also remains steady on franchise, pheasant tails, she hulks, caddis pupae, and leeches.
Creeks are clear and a touch low (we received no significant rain the past few days, just some sprinkles) with temperatures in the 50s.
  We've been getting more and more complaints about poor angling etiquette.  Please remember that if there is somebody parked at an access point that you should check in with them to see where they are fishing and fish the other direction.  If you can't see the angler you should move on to another access point.  There is plenty of water to fish in the Driftless.  Please do not hop in the water above another angler!